Super Tuesday went as our team predicted. Using momentum from his South Carolina victory and endorsement from Jim Clyburn. Former Vice President Joe Biden salvaged his campaign last night.
There are reports that recent nominee dropouts Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, spoke to Barack Obama before throwing their support behind Biden. Nonetheless, it was Black baby boomers who came out in droves to give Biden clear victories in the Southern States.
Former President Barack Obama and Joe Biden
Bernie Sanders also had a decent night; however, Black Gen Xers and Millennials, which Sanders is reliant, stayed away from the polls on Tuesday. Sander’s past of supporting the Crime Bill and denying reparations for slavery hurt him significantly. Unlike older Black voters, younger generations want tangibles in exchange for their votes.
Former New York Mayor Micheal Bloomberg had a dismal showing and expect him to eventually drop out and lend his support and money to Biden. Tulsi Gabbard also didn’t pick up any States, so the clock is ticking on her campaign. Of all the candidates, Elizabeth Warren’s night was the most disastrous as she was denied her home state of Massachusetts.
California, the State with the most substantial amount of Delegates, will not have results until the end of the week. At the time of this article, Sanders has a slight lead over Biden.