Black Vote 2019 The Canadian Election Campaign

Full Breakdown on what this Political Race meant for Black Canadians

Over the past three weeks, our team has given you a crash course in politics. If you have any takeaways at all, just remember that politics is simply the allocation of resources. And politicians are the ones that allocate those resources. In other words -who gets what- It’s unfortunate that the Black population has absolutely no control over the same people that distribute the resources. This is why you can have a riding like Halifax that gets billions of dollars in federal investment but have Black unemployment and child poverty rates that are second to none.
Our team went through every party platform. We literally counted every dollar they proposed to spend. There’s nothing there for the Black community.

For Black people, it’s not a vote, it’s an IQ Test.

Our political cartoonist came with this cartoon right at the beginning of the campaign. It shows a chessboard, with white voters looking drab. And Black voters as sophisticated, but instead of voting, they’re taking an IQ Test. This was done on purpose. We’re trying to show you that no matter what, the white population will benefit regardless of who they vote for or who’s in power. For Black people, it’s not a vote, it’s an IQ Test. It’s literally the political system seeing how dumb you are by returning to the voting booth to vote for someone that does not have your agenda on the ballot but used trickbag language like minorities or racialized.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

It’s going to be a pretty rough next four years for the Black community. So be it. We will do what the Jewish, Asian, Arab, and LGBTQ communities have done. We will vet, buy and/or put forth our own candidates that are exclusively loyal to our agenda. It’s about time that the Black community starts to practice the existential selfishness of survival.