Nova Scotia Under a State of Emergency

Heavy Fines or Arrest for Not Adhering to the Provincial Health Protection Act

As the number of possible Covid-19 cases in Nova Scotia has risen to 28, Premier Stephen McNeil has declared a Provincial State of Emergency.

Speaking at a press conference with Chief Medical Officer Dr. Robert Strang and Minister of Justice Mark Furey, McNeil said: “ I saw and heard of far too many incidents of people gathering.”

What does the State of Emergency mean?

Police will have the power to arrest those not following the Health Protection Act. This means not following rules on social distancing.
Fines will also be invoked to individuals not adhering to the act of $1,000 per day and $7,500 for businesses per day. Fines may be given out daily for multiple volitions.

“ I saw and heard of far too many incidents of people gathering.”

Premier Stephen McNeil

The Nova Scotia/New Brunswick border will also be regulated, and officials are telling anyone who is returning from outside the province to self-isolate for 14 days.

Grocery stores and other essentials services will remain open, and citizens are encouraged to go for walks; however, social distancing must be practiced.

Stay safe Family.