Cross Border Code/Karens Won’t Let it Happen

Kamla Harris

Political Commentators got it wrong in 2016, and will do so again with Kamala Harris.

White Supremacist propaganda was not invented in Canada, though unquestionably perfected here. So the fact that the three major Canadian media outlets are praising Kamala Harris as the pick for Democratic Vice Presidential candidate is telling.

Canada’s Major Media Outlets

Here’s where things get tricky.

Canadian political pundits are touting Kamala Harris as someone who will attract the “Suburban Women” vote. However, “Suburban Women” is code for “Karen.”
In 2016, more than half of white women voted for Trump, even after ALL the allegations.

The Canadian Media’s incorrect assessment could be one of two things. The Canadian Media machine is so on code, or they know nothing of American politics.

If “Suburban Women” didn’t show up for Hillary Clinton, they likely won’t show up for Kamala Harris. The only way that would happen is if they genuinely understand that Kamala dislikes Black people just as much as they do.

A Karen Pulls Gun on Black Family. She was Later Arrested

Additionally, for Kamala to win, Karen voters must buy into the “feminist sisterhood” of wanting to see their fellow women succeed. However, as Black women learned in the 60s, feminism is simply White Supremacy in heels.

One thought on “Cross Border Code/Karens Won’t Let it Happen

  1. I’m amazed at how many ppl protect an exploitive system that lies to children. Keep up the good work.

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