White Supremacy Takes Both Sides of an Argument

How the Right and Left-Wing work Together in Securing White Privilege

Last week our investigative team looked into the announced $1 Billion infrastructure spending spree by the Nova Scotian government. We posted the breakdown of the cost, along with a dire warning that the Black community risks further gentrification if not included economically.

On our Instagram page, a Suspected White Supremacist, left the following reply.

Instagram response from a Suspected White Supremacist

“Jesus fu*king Christ. Leave Canada. You’re not welcome here. You people are evil… Leave while you still can”. -The entire message in the picture above.

It is important to note that the Province of Nova Scotia is populated with Foundational Black Canadians, many of whom are descendants of slaves that were brought to Nova Scotia long before Canada was a country.

Nanny with the children in her care, Guysborough Nova Scotia.
Photo courtesy of Nova Scotia Archives

After the abolishment of slavery in Canada -and right up to this day, the African Nova Scotian community has suffered anti-Black racism through state-sanctioned violence, political oppression, and economic deprivation. The economic conditions of the Black community are at horrific levels.

• Youth Unemployment Rate ( Males 15-24 years old) Over 30 Percent
• Adult Unemployment Rate ( Males 25-64 years old) Over 14 Percent
• For very $1 a White male makes. Black males make .66 cents
• Prevalence of Low-income in the Black community is triple that of Whites

Nova Scotia is a province primarily driven by infrastructure and development projects paid for by the government. However, the Black community is rarely awarded contracts and virtually shut out of the labour unions.

The comment sent by the Suspected White Supremacist -among others- is indicative when the Black community suggest participation in the economy. Racism, at its core, is economical, so this is where White Supremacy takes both sides of an argument.

Nova Scotia has deep-rooted anti-Black sentiments, although when it comes to trickbags such as “Equality,” “Inclusion,” & “Intersectionality,” the Black communities “Allies”- White Left-Wing Intersectional Liberals- are leading the charge to help.

However, when it comes to tangibles, such as government contracts and money, they always fall silent. At the same time, the Conservative Right-Wing contingent argues that the Black community is not entitled to the same economic benefits as their White counterparts.

Neely Fuller would describe this as White Supremacy taking both sides of an argument to maintain the balance of White privilege.

The Black community needs to learn two things from this.
First, as a Black community, you have no friends. Therefore, you have no permanent allies or permanent enemies. Only permanent interest, which is Black Empowerment – meaning Black economic maturation.
Secondly, the Black community needs to practice what Dr. John Henrik Clarke called the existential selfishness of survival.

Only then will the Black community obtain power, wealth and resources to fend off the physical and financial violence faced daily.