The Week Ahead, Black Edition

Upcoming News and events important to Intelligent Black Society


The 15 member States of CARICOM are meeting this week in the Bahamas to discuss trade and economics at their annual meeting. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will attend on the 17 & 18th. Canada has a substantial economic interest in the Caribbean from mining to commodities.
When meeting African leaders at the African Union Summit, Trudeau brought Raptors President Masai Ujiri, so anticipate he will bring a Black liaison with him to the Caribbean.
There are no reports if Trudeau will wear Blackface.

Nevada Democratic Debate

The next Democratic Presidential debate contest will take place on the 19th in Nevada. As of this posting, only five -Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Sanders, and Warren- have qualified to participate in the debates. However, the debates might be a contest on who will eventually lose to Trump, as the Democrats refuse to offer anything tangible to their essential Black voter base.

Black History Month

As we enter the third week of Black History Month, it has become evident the White media has been “Rainbow Washing” Black history by highlighting famous Black individuals who had an LGBTQ lifestyle. The Black Media warned of this earlier in the month, and it’s coming to fruition.

There have also been attempts by White politicians to use the Month as a way to score unearned points with the Black community. Many Black youth groups have met with politicians. However, the agenda has been vague with wording like “equity and equality.” If you are a Black youth that will be meeting with politicians this Month, it is essential only to discuss tangibles. We created a guide with four key asking points.

Harvey Weinstein Case

The criminal rape cases against Harvey Weinstein will fall to the jurors on Tuesday and may take up to a week for them to make a decision. This case is vital to the Black community, as Weinstein was the catalyst to the #metoo and #timesup movements. However, these movements have been exposed as a clumsy front to make Black males the face of sexual predation while protecting the White males in Hollywood who perpetrate the vast majority of these crimes

Expect to see several Black icons legacies -both alive and passed- to be tarnished in the White media as the jury deliberates their verdict.